Monday, January 22, 2007

Mission Statement!

Hello! I am Megan, and this is my blog. I intend to take the 50 book challenge this year, and I will write ALL ABOUT IT on this blog. I'm already behind, though - I've read 4.5 books already and reviewed none of them!

Anyway, the idea is that I will read about one book a week (or more likely go several weeks without finishing one and then finish a bunch in a flurry of excitement). This should be pretty challenging for me, since silly little things like graduate school tend to get in the way of me reading. Make no mistake though - I love to read! I just never have time.

About me: I'm a 23-year-old grad student, and I study biology - specifically salamanders and lizards, and that's really as much as I can say without getting ridiculously technical about what I do. I have a small zoo at my apartment - two rabbits, an axolotl salamander, two mice, and (soon) a tiger salamander. My mom is a librarian, and I was a librarian for a while in undergrad, and I've always loved to read. I read several different genres - fantasy (but not the epic, farmboy-realizes-his-magical-destiny kind), sci-fi, young adult novels with interesting covers, the occasional graphic novel that my boyfriend leaves at my apartment, lots of regular fiction of the best-seller variety, and sometimes history or natural science non-fiction stuff. I don't really plan to read anything particular for this challenge. I'm treating it more like a challenge to see how many books I read in a year. I think I read about 35 last year, so I'm hoping I can push that up to 50 this year if I actually have a goal and a place to record my progress.

Usually, before I type up a review about a book, I really like to go to and read the reviews for the book over there. I like to say it helps me crystallize my thoughts, but really, I just love to read the bad reviews.

Oh! I should also say that if you somehow ended up here without seeing the wonderful blog over at first, you should totally check that one out; it's way better than mine will ever be, I think.

On to the books!

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