Friday, February 23, 2007

Book 4: Perelandra

I read Out of the Silent Planet late last year, and it was better than I was expecting. It's not that I somehow doubted C. S. Lewis, it's just that I had heard the religious symbolism in his space trilogy was OVER THE TOP, and I was afraid it would somehow overshadow the story. Thankfully, this was not the case!

The plot follows Dr. Ransom as he is contacted by aliens that need him to go to Venus. Once he arrives, he learns that Venus is essentially a paradise, and he encounters a green woman that is completely innocent. However, Ransom's sinister friend follows him from Earth, and tries to corrupt the lady.

Now, I shold probably mention that I NEVER get symbolism. For me to actually pick up on symbolism in books, it either has to be ridiculously over the top or someone has to flat out tell me it's there. So when I say that the religious symbolism wasn't apparent to me until near the end of the book, realize that might not be the case for you. Lewis finally gave it away (to me) when a snake bit Ransom on the heel and the wound wouldn't heal - I remember this from the Bible. So I can honestly say, it was a great book and I intend to read the last book of the series, That Hideous Strength.

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