Friday, February 23, 2007

Book 6: Surfacing

So, once I finished The Blind Assassin, I scoured my local used bookstore for another book by Atwood. This one looked interesting:

Sadly, I didn't care for it as much as her other two books I've read. The story didn't flow very well, in my opinion, and some of the biggest questions were never answered. The book follows a nameless narrator as she goes to visit her father's cabin in the wilderness with her boyfriend and another couple. They are visiting because her father has suddenly gone missing, and she wants to see if he left any clues to his whereabouts.

Not only do you never find out even the slightest hint of whatever happened to her dad, the book also takes a sharp left into crazy-ville towards the end. I'm sure it's just full to the brim of symbolism and commentary on modernity, feminism, etc, but as we discussed previously, I'm absolute pants at subtext.

I'll probably be taking this one back to the used bookstore.

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