Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Book 22: Eats, Shoots and Leaves

See, every now and then I do read a bit of non-fiction!

I adored this book. Besides being a wonderful grammar lesson, it is funny. Some would say I should have expected that, given that the title is a joke, but I was pleasantly surprised. I have known for a long time that I apparently don't have the right sense of humor to enjoy most comic fiction. Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, William Goldman: all are lost on me. I think the problem is that I just don't really "get" situational humor; I've read so much sci-fi and fantasy that whenever I come across unusual situations, I just accept them and move on. I do much better with witty dialogue, which this book has in abundance.

I highly recommend this book, just remember that it was written for a British audience, so some terminology and even a few punctuation rules are different for us.

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